Library Rules

The rules of the Library have been made for the benefit of all our users, and your cooperation by observing them, is essential for the common good.
Accessing The Library
  1. All students and members of staff must present a valid Mico identification card to library security guard at the door before entering the library. 
  2. All users should observe the dress policy of the university.
  3. All bags should be left at the baggage area. Remove all valuables before leaving them.
  4. When leaving the library, contents may be checked by the security.
  5. Non- University personnel must fulfill the requirement of the Protocol for the use of the library by Non-University College Personnel before gaining access to the library.
Borrowing from the Library
  1. All users must be a registered member of the library to get borrowing privileges. You may REGISTER HERE.
  2. Reference books, periodicals and special documents should not be removed from the library.
  3. Any loss of, or damage to books must be reported immediately to a member of the library staff. Users will be liable for any loss of or damage to books while in their charge, and must ensure that books on loan are not left unattended in the library or any other public place.
Use of Library facilities
  1. Silence must be observed in all study areas, and reasonable quiet maintained in all other areas of the library.
  2. Noise disturbance or general unseemly behavior is prohibited. This includes abusive or threatening behavior towards library staff or users.
  3. Radios and personal stereos may not be played. Mobile/cellular phones could be placed on vibrate or at a very low volume while in the library.
  4. Library buildings, including their fabric fittings, must not be damaged; library furniture and equipment must not be moved, damaged or defaced.
  5. Users must not mark, deface, or damage library books in any way.
  6. There should be no smoking, eating and drinking in the library.
  7. Personal laptop computers may be used in designated areas of the library. The College/University accepts no responsibility for such equipment or for data stored.
  8. Any kind of recording on library premises requires the prior approval of the librarian and the approval of any person being photographed or recorded.
In case of an emergency
  1. All users must observe the disaster management guidelines.
  2. All library users must leave the library immediately when the fire alarm sounds.
  3. All library users should observe all earthquake precautions, which are posted in the library.

You're ready to use the library!

Now that you know the rules, you're ready to benefit from the library's physical and virtual resources.

Virtual Library Services